LITH-PLEX (Premium Purple)
Premium Lithium Complex Grease
Product Description
Lith-plex (Purple) is a premium, high melting point, lithium complex NLGI 2 consistency. It is a high temperature grease and has been designed to meet the demands of the most hostile grease applications and conditions. With its Polymer additive.
Lith-plex (Purple) formulation features include components that provide extreme pressure (EP) and anti-wear (AW) protection, tackiness and adhesiveness agents that allow the grease to stay-put under high water pressure conditions. In addition to its EP, AW and exceptional water resistance properties Lith-plex (Purple) also provides a high level of oxidation, rust and corrosion protection.
Lith-plex (Purple) is a truly remarkable grease with advanced component technology that will provide outstanding service in the most demanding applications particularly for expensive and key equipment.
The state-of-the-art equipment and procedures employed to manufacture Lith-plex 2 (Purple) provides this grease with a high degree of mechanical and storage stability. It will not breakdown under high mechanical stress. In storage it will not alter consistency or release oil.
Lith-plex 2 VXP-2 (Purple) grease is recommended for use in most types of automotive and industrial applications including heavy duty service where high temperatures, high loads and water spray or ingress are encountered. It is suitable for rolling element bearings, plain bearings, chassis parts, gears and couplings. Because of its outstanding corrosion and water resistant properties it is particularly suitable where water is present such as steel mills, underground tunnelling or mining and ore crushing plants.
The recommended operating temperature range is from –15 oC to 170 oC. Lith-plex VXP-2 (Purple) greases can endure higher temperatures for short periods or if the lubrication frequency is increased.
Excellent resistance to water spray & washout
Reduced wear under high or shock loads
Superior protection against rust and corrosion
High temperature capability
Excellent mechanical stability
Outstanding storage stability
Lead, Chlorine, Nitrite & Aromatic Extract free
Good pumpability in centralised systems
Health, Safety & Environmental
This product is classified as non-hazardous. No special precautions are required if employed and handled in accordance to normal practice for this type of product. Good personal hygiene is recommended when handling this product. After any personal contact, the skin area should be washed with soap and water. Clothing should be laundered. Additional health, safety and environmental information is available in the Material Safety Data Sheet which can be obtained by contacting VELOIL CORPORATION.
Typical Characteristic
LITH-PLEX (Purple)
NLGI Grade 2
Product Code 5041702
Soap/Thickener type Lithium Complex
Colour Purple
Worked Penetration 270
Drop Point, oC 275
Oil Viscosity cSt, 40 oC 220 (800 with polymer)
ASTM Water Spray-off, wt% 30
4-Ball Weld, kg 620
4-Ball Wear Scar, mm 0.50
Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is subject to formulation changes without notice.